Over 18+ miles of rail-trail have been completed in the southern part of Lebanon County to the City of Lebanon; north of the Lebanon Valley Mall; and a stand-alone section near Jonestown.
Reconstruction and Safety Improvements:
100% state funds are now being used to improve 2.50 miles of the existing rail-trail in the southern part of the County, including intersection work at Butler Road and Boyd Street. The work will be completed in late October.
FirstEnergy (formerly Met-Ed) Rail-Trail Reconstruction Project:
FirstEnergy will be paving the trail from the Wilhelm Avenue Bridge in South Lebanon Township to Cornwall Borough. In exchange, that portion of the trail will be closed for several months this winter until the utility poles and lines are replaced.
Phase 6
The Phase 6 alignment includes the future trail through the John E. Wengert Park across from the former Lebanon Catholic School complex (Phase 6A), Chestnut Street right-of-way, county owned land along the Hazel Dike to S. 22nd Street (Phase 6B), a partially relocated S. 22nd Street, a new bridge over the Quittapahilla Creek on S. 22nd Street, existing S. 22nd Street to US Route 422 with intersection safety improvements (Phase 6C) and Lebanon Valley Mall property (Phase 6D). The bids for the Phase 6A and Phase 6B project were opened and the responsible low bidder is the JVI Group; the project is fully funded thanks to some additional funds being provided by PennDOT. Phase 6C is now fully funded too and should go to construction in 2024 when design is complete. No funds are in place as of now for Phase 6D.
Phase 8
Alignment Determined: The preferred alignment is the former railroad bed from Long Lane to the Bunker Hill area. Easements or acquisitions are well underway with key property owners.
Phase 10
North of US Route 22 to a connection to the trail system in Swatara State Park near Lickdale. Phase 10 will include 3.0 miles of rail-trail and a connection to Pine Tree Road in Union Township. Phase 10 will be broken into two projects … 10A and 10B.
Phase 10A and 10B Design: State and local funds are being used to design the rail-trail from north of US Route 22 to a connection to the trails in Swatara State Park at Lickdale.
Phase 10A Construction Project: A state grant of $400,000 was just approved by DCNR for the construction of Phase 10A from north of US Route 22 to Pine Tree Road, a distance of 0.60 miles in Union Township. This project should go to construction in late 2023 or early 2024. It will be matched with $400,000 in County funds.
Phase 10B from Pine Tree Road to a Connection with the Trails in Swatara State Park: We are exploring discretionary funding from PennDOT and/or DCNR for Phase 10B (2.40 miles). The project could go to construction in 2024 or 2025. Phase 10B right-of-way is presently being cleared by LVRT, Inc. volunteers.
Inwood Spur
The County and LVRT, Inc. are also exploring the possibility of building a spur trail from the new vehicular bridge at Inwood south along the east side of Swatara Creek to the county park where the historic truss bridge is now located.
LVRT, Inc. Tractor & Shed Grant Application
A new tractor and larger shed was another recent state grant application for state funds matched with LVRT, Inc. private funds. We’ll know in November if we’ll be funded.